Nota Clínica

Migraine with pleocytosis: a case of atypical progression

S. Santos-Lasaosa, B. Sierra-Bergua, I. De Los Mártires-Armingol, J. Navarro-Calzada, C. Pérez-Lázaro, M. Garcés-Redondo, O. Fabre-Pi, C. Tejero-Juste, P. Larrodé-Pellicer, L.J. López del Val, L.F. Pascual-Millán [REV NEUROL 2004;38:446-448] PMID: 15029524 DOI: OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 38 | Number 05 | Nº of views of the article 18.928 | Nº of PDF downloads 705 | Article publication date 01/03/2004
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
AIMS. Migraine with cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis is a clinical pattern consisting in intermittent headaches accompanied by episodes of transient neurological deficit and lymphocytic pleocytosis, which last for varying lengths of time and have a spontaneous resolution. We describe the case of migraine with pleocytosis (MP) with atypical progression that responded well to corticoids.

CASE REPORT A 27-year-old male with no familial or personal history of migraine who began with bouts of intense headaches that were preceded by neurological deficit (dysphasia and hemiparesis of the right-hand side) lasting varying amounts of time (including hours). The serial study of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) revealed a notable degree of lymphocytosis (400/mm3) with increased intracranial pressure (ICP) (> 30 mmHg). The other explorations that were performed (microbiological study of CSF and blood, humoral and cellular immunity, MR angiography and thyroid hormones, among others) were all normal. The neurological exploration carried out in the following days revealed a mild paresis of the right lateral rectus muscle, which was attributed to the intracranial hypertension and which clearly disabled the patient. As a consequence of the recurrence of the seizures and the long-lasting increase in ICP, therapy was begun with 1 mg/kg/day of prednisone, at a descending rate; clinical remission and normalisation of the CSF was achieved within a period of two months. Discussion. We describe this case of MP because of how atypical the progression was (paresis of the right abducent nerve secondary to the increase in ICP) and the possibility of associating corticoids in cases in which the benignity of the entity is in doubt.
KeywordsHeadacheIntracranial hypertensionMigrainePleocytosisPseudomigrainePseudotumour cerebri CategoriesCáncer y tumoresCefalea y MigrañaDolor
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