Aims. The aim of this work was to study the cranial trepanations and deformations carried out by the ancient Paraca, Huari, Tiahuanaco and Inca cultures. To do so, we conducted a field study involving visits to archaeological remains and anthropological museums on the Andean plateau and the Peruvian coast. Development. Cranial deformation was more common in the Andean regions and was performed by putting little pieces of wood or compressive bandages on newborn infants’ heads in order to modify the growth axis of the cranial cavity. Cranial deformations were performed for aesthetic and magic-religious reasons, but were also used as a means of ethnic or social identification, as a symbol of nobility or to distinguish the ruling classes. The immediate consequence of such deformation was the modification of the normal process by which the cranial sutures close. There is a significant correlation between the presence of posterior and lateral wormian bones, according to the degree of artificial deformation. The persistence of metopic suture and exostosis of the outer ear canal have been found in 5% of the skulls belonging to pre-Columbine mummies. Other paleopathological findings include cranial fractures (7%), porotic hyperostosis (25% of children’s skulls), spina bifida occulta, signs of spinal disk arthrosis and Pott s disease. Conclusions. Artificial cranial deformation was a very widespread practice in the Andean regions in pre-Columbine times.
KeywordsAnthropometryArtificial cranial deformationHistory of neurologyMummiesPaleopathologyPre-Columbine cultures
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