INTRODUCTION The impossibility of treating patients with sleep disorders adequately means that, as specialists, we have to look for new pharmacological treatments and for this reason we examined the information in the paper by Salin-Pascual (1999) about the increase in deep sleep when olanzapine is used as an antipsychotic drug. Case reports. We decided to use this medication in six females and three males who were suffering from different sleep disorders that conditioned their chronic insomnia. The dosages of olanzapine used ranged from 2.5 and 10 mg in a single dose. The clinical history and progress were used to elaborate the results and conclusions. The result was positive in eight of the nine patients, five who were administered the medication as monotherapy and three as polytherapy. CONCLUSION. The population studied is insufficient to prove the effectiveness of the drug, but the fact that in eight of our patients the treatment clearly improved their symptoms leads us to think that this line of research must be continued.
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