INTRODUCTION Interferon (IFN) diminishes the outbreaks of multiple sclerosis (MS) and slows down its progression. Follow-up of patients is performed using clinical and resonance imaging parameters, and no biological markers are available that allow us to determine its efficiency. OBJECTIVES. 1. To discover the effects of IFN on the serum levels of TNF-alpha, IL-4, IL-10, VCAM-1, neopterin and CD-30 in patients with MS; 2. To determine how these modifications evolve over time; 3. To find out the clinical value of its determination in isolation.
PATIENTS AND METHODS We studied 19 patients with MS who were clinically stable and undergoing IFN therapy. Samples were obtained every 3 months over a 2.5 year period and always immediately before injecting the drug. The ELISA method was used to determine interleukins.
RESULTS Serum levels of neopterin, CD-30 and VCAM-1 were not modified, TNF-alpha levels oscillated regardless of the clinical status of the patient and IL-4 and IL-10 had a significant serum peak at 9-12 months after beginning treatment.
CONCLUSIONS The existence of a significant IL-4 and IL-10 peak between 6 and 12 months of therapy indicates that IFN reaches its possible immunomodulatory effect after several months and, therefore, a poor initial clinical response must not be a reason for discontinuing medication. The specific determination of the serum levels of IL is not useful in following up patients treated with IFN.
KeywordsInterferonInterleukinsMultiple sclerosisCategoriesEsclerosis múltiple
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