INTRODUCTION The selection of a measure that can be used to evaluate the outcome of therapeutic interventions in stroke patients has had a conceptual problem in that there is a need to detect a wide range of deficiencies, disabilities and handicaps as part of a patient-based model. It has also suffered from a methodological problem due to the lack of systematic attention given to the development of standard instruments. AIMS. We conducted this study with the aim of getting over these limitations by developing a scale to evaluate the quality of life in stroke survivors.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS We followed a methodology that had previously been standardised by other authors based on using the opinion given by patients and caregivers in the generation of the items to be included. This has several stages that include individual interviews with patients, caregivers and experts, focal groups with patients and experts, quantitative and qualitative analyses of these interviews, two panels of experts to actually draw up the instrument, and a pilot test carried out in a sample of 50 patients to reduce and group the items. This reducing and grouping process was performed taking into account the following: 1. The percentage of responses left unanswered; 2. A factorial analysis of the main components; 3. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient.
RESULTS We interviewed 20 patients and 12 experts; these results were later used to classify the abovementioned aspects in order of priority according to the frequency with which they appeared in the surveys. Then, we elaborated the questionnaire with four areas or subscales by including the questions or items in these categories: I. Physical status (17 items); II. Emotional status (13 items); III. Activities of daily living (13 items); IV. Social and familial functions (13 items). After the pilot study 38 items were reorganised into eight domains, according to the factorial analysis: 1. Physical problems; 2. Communication; 3. Cognition; 4. Emotions; 5. Feelings; 6. Activities of daily living; 7. Familial functions; 8. Social functions. They displayed high coefficients of internal consistency.
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