AIM To review the fundamental aspects of the theory of the molecular flow/ cerebrospinal flux described recently and it can explained a group of events in the physiology of the cerebrospinal fluid and the physiopathology of neurological diseases. DEVELOPMENT. This theory was based on the postulate that a decrease of the flux rate of the cerebrospinal fluid was accompanied by an increment of the protein concentration in it and in the nervous system tissue. The increment of the protein transport from the blood to the cerebrospinal fluid not require structural changes or an increase of permeability. The reibergram or Reiber’s quotient diagram, with the discriminatory hyperbolic function with its theoretical basis and its clinical relevance confirm the acceptance of the present theory. This theory was based on the first and second Fick’s diffusion laws The increment of the molecular diffusion is the cause of the non-linear decrease of the cerebrospinal flux rate because of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier dysfunction.
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