AIMS. In this study we review the economic impact involved in suffering from this disease in an attempt to determine how it affects both the individual and society, and the potential benefits deriving from its prevention and treatment. DEVELOPMENT. The World Health Organisation and the World Bank have pointed out that 90% of the costs generated by epilepsy are produced in developing countries. Yet in most developed countries the economic impact of the disease remains partially hidden for patients by the existence of publicly funded health service. As regards spending on pharmaceutical products in Spain, the subgroup made up of the antiepileptic drugs accounted for 1.36% of the total spending throughout the year 2001. Nevertheless, the main economic consequence for most patients is the limitation they suffer in their occupational activities, which is inversely proportional to the degree of control over their seizures and considerably higher than in the general population. Moreover, in epilepsy we must not forget the costs linked to its numerous psychological and social consequences.
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