OBJECTIVE. To detect the presence of changes in brain electrical activity that might be used as early markers in patients with risk factors for developing vascular encephalopathy.
PATIENTS AND METHODS There were studied 84 uncomplicated hypertensive patients, with a normal neurological physical examination and mean age of 49 years compared to 35 functionally healthy subjects. The patients were divided into three groups: slight high blood pressure (SLHBP, n = 24) with diastolic blood pressure (DBP) between 90 and 100 mmHg, moderate high blood pressure (MHBP, n = 40) with DBP between 101 and 114 mmHg, and severe high blood pressure (SHBP, n = 20) with TAD of 115 mmHg or higher. All subjects underwent digital electroencephalogram (dEEG) with quantitative analysis (QEEG).
RESULTS The patients showed focal, especially frontal paroxysms, and diffuse polymorphic theta activity in these areas, mainly those with SLHBP. Posterior alpha rhythm disorganization, inter-hemispheric asymmetries and frontal monomorphic activity were more often found in SHBP patients. In QEEG was observed an increase in absolute and relative power of slow activities, and a decrease in power of alpha and beta activities. All these findings were more frequent in the left hemisphere. CONCLUSION. The hemodynamic characteristics of the Central Nervous System and the changes caused by HBP alter the functional organization of the brain cortex, especially in frontal and midline regions, irrigated by the anterior cerebral artery.
KeywordsAnterior cerebral arteryDigital electroencephalogramHypertensionNeuronal hypoperfusionParoxysmal activitySlow activity
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