AIM This article presents an updated review about the definition, diagnostic criteria, classifications, etiology and the evolution of the specific language impairment (SLI). DEVELOPMENT. The specific language impairment is characterized by a developmental language delay and an impaired language, that persist over time and it is not explained by sensorial, motor and mental disabilities, neither by psycopathological disorders, socio-emotional deprivation, nor brain injury. The diagnosis is based on exclusional criteria. Some researchers propose different classifications considering the children performance in language comprehension and language production. Genetical linkage to the FOXP2 gen in the SPCH1 region of the chromosome 7 and to the chromosomes 13, 16 y 19 has been reported. The neuroimage studies have shown alterations in the volume and perfusion of some brain structures related to language. The manifestations of SLI may change during the development of the children and may disturb the self-steem, the academic performance and the social abilities.
CONCLUSIONS The variability in the linguistic and cognitive performance, and the variety in the etiological findings in children with SLI, don t allow to settle the affected population as an homogeneous group. Different theorical positions have emerged as a consequence of this condition.
KeywordsChildrenDevelopmentGeneticsLanguageSpecific disorderCategoriesNeuropediatría
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