OBJECTIVES. To review the recent discovery of hypocretins (orexins) and their link to the pathophysiology of narcolepsy and the role of adenosine in the integration of brain metabolism and sleep. DEVELOPMENT. The importance of the functions carried out by the hypothalamus in the regulation of sleep and the waking state has been consolidated by the discovery of hypocretins and the role played by cerebral adenosine. Hypocretins are two peptides made up of 33 and 28 amino acids whose neurons are located predominantly in the lateral hypothalamus and surrounding regions. In the Doberman canine narcolepsy model, in which this disease is presented with an autosomal recessive pattern, a mutation was detected in one of the receptors involved in the hypocretin system, namely the hypocretin-2 receptor. Failures in the hypocretin system have been confirmed as a key factor in narcolepsy by other findings in laboratory animals and humans. Adenosine, on the other hand, is accumulated during the waking state as a result of neuronal metabolism and this in turn is related to drowsiness. Sleep episodes lower the levels of this substance in the brain. Adenosine receptor antagonists increase wakefulness (e.g. caffeine), while the agonists promote slow-wave sleep.
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