INTRODUCTION It is very rare for cerebral infarction to be the first symptom of an intracranial tumour. Only three cases have been reported in which cerebral infarction is thought to have been caused by the arterial compromise triggered by incipient high grade gliomas that are not yet visible in radiological tests.
CASE REPORT A 46-year-old male with no relevant medical history or cardiovascular risk factors who presented with acute hemiplegia on the right-hand side of the body and a significantly impaired level of consciousness. Computerised axial tomography of the brain showed a left frontal malignant ischemic infarct that exerted an important mass effect. The patient was submitted to a left-side frontoparietal decompressive craniectomy. Post-operative progress was good and the patient even recovered his normal level of consciousness, although he was left with right hemiparesis and conduction dysphasia. Seven months after the craniectomy the patient experienced a progressive deterioration with symptoms of endocranial hypertension. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed the presence of a highly malignant tumour in the previously infarcted territory. A histological study of the excised lesion showed it to be a glioblastoma multiforme.
CONCLUSIONS The proximity in time, as well as the identical location of the two lesions, led us to think that the glioblastoma, although not yet visible in radiological explorations, affected a branch of the middle cerebral artery and gave rise to the infarct. Therefore, in the presence of a cerebral infarct in patients with no risk factors for suffering a brain vascular pathology, it is advisable to carry out a radiological follow-up so as to be able to diagnose a possible lesion due to a tumour.
KeywordsCerebral infarctionCraniectomyMalignant cerebral infarctionMalignant gliomaMiddle cerebral artery
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