INTRODUCTION Serotonin is a neurotransmitter synthesized from tryptophan. It is implied in the regulation of mood, cognition, sleep cycle, synthesis of cerebrospinal fluid, and other processes. Generally, it is implied in human pathology by hypofunction. However, there is a complication of unknown incidence related to treatment with drugs that increase the stimulation of 5-HT1A serotonin receptors, called serotonin syndrome (SS). Clinically, it is characterised by the presence of a triad of mental and autonomic disorders, and motor hyperactivity. This entity has not biological markers and its diagnosis could be done verifying the proposed criteria. CASE REPORTS. Two cases of SS are presented, one of them related to the combination of risperidone and sertraline, as first report in the literature. Both cases had a favourable outcome employing support measures.
CONCLUSIONS The physiopathology, the diagnosis, the differential diagnosis, and the treatment are reviewed. We emphasize the potentially high frequency of this disorder, given the growing use of serotonin activity modifying drugs, and the typically benign course of the SS once the support measures are started.
Keywords5-HT1A receptorsAntidepressantsNeuroleptic malignant syndromeRafe nucleiSerotoninSerotonin syndrome
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