INTRODUCTION Epileptic seizures account for 30-40% of the visits to our department. A retrospective study was conducted in an attempt to classify epileptic syndromes and seizures according to the classification developed by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). AIMS. The aim of this study was to verify the applicability of the ILAE’s international classification in our population and to analyse the quality of the information contained in the clinical records, thus confirming the importance of having a standardised clinical record.
PATIENTS AND METHODS The clinical records of 352 children aged between 0 and 14 years, between 2000 and 2001, were analysed. The eligibility criterion was determined by the reason for visiting: epilepsy or seizures with an epileptic mechanism. Data was collected according to a protocol that was drawn up for this purpose.
RESULTS Of the 352 cases, 21.3% had febrile seizures; 13.6% had a single seizure; 4.5% had neonatal convulsions; 54.5% were cases of epilepsy and 6% could not be analysed due to a shortage of data. In all, 192 clinical records that satisfied the definition of epilepsy were analysed. Partial epilepsies accounted for 55%, 23% were symptomatic and 2% were cryptogenetic. It was found that 10% of the generalised epilepsies were idiopathic.
CONCLUSIONS Despite the shortcomings in the documentation, the international classification was applicable to our population, as has been the case in other centres. Nevertheless, we came up against some problems, and therefore include some of the more notable points from the current discussion about classifications. We highlight the need to establish a standardised clinical record and to use computer systems to record epileptic patients. Although there were certain limitations, 81.3% of the epilepsies were classified and we therefore give some consideration to the new proposals for classification.
KeywordsClassificationComputer recordsEpilepsyEpileptic syndromesNeuropaediatricsType of seizureCategoriesEpilepsias y síndromes epilépticosNeuropediatríaTécnicas exploratorias
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