AIMS. To conduct an updated review of the mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, clinical effectiveness and safety of atomoxetine in the treatment of the symptoms of ADHD. DEVELOPMENT. Atomoxetine is the first of the group of non-stimulant drugs to be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat this disorder in children, adolescents and adults. Atomoxetine has a direct effect on noradrenalin and dopamine concentrations by exerting a strong and highly selective inhibiting action on the pre-synaptic noradrenalin transporter, with a minimum affinity for other transporters and receptors. After adjustment of the dosage for body weight, the pharmacokinetic parameters are similar across all age and gender groups. Maximal plasma concentration is reached one to two hours after oral administration. Data concerning the effectiveness and safety from the clinical trials and studies reported in the literature are discussed.
CONCLUSIONS Atomoxetine is an effective and well-tolerated drug when used for the pharmacological treatment of ADHD symptoms. Despite being a drug that has only recently been developed, evidence from the large number of comparative studies that have been carried out endorse its widespread use in the treatment of this syndrome.
KeywordsAtomoxetineAttention deficit hyperactivity disorderNon-stimulant medicationCategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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