INTRODUCTION Recent studies suggest that the ADHD subtypes would be best conceptualized as separate clinical entities, based on their epidemiology, central and associate symptomatology. OBJECTIVES. To determine the differences and similarities between subtypes in its associate symptomatology, specifically in the neuropsychological phenotype of executive dysfunction.
PATIENTS AND METHODS A group of children between 6 and 14 years of age with a diagnosis of ADHD-innattentive subtype (DESAT, n = 20) and another with ADHD-combined subtype (COMB, n = 39).
RESULTS Overall, the COMB subject sample displayed lower performance than DESAT group. Statistically significant differences were found in Kaufman-ABC-hands movement subtest, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)-total error and WCST-conceptual level.
CONCLUSIONS The subtypes differ significantly in measures or non verbal working memory, hindsight, foresight, and motor control. Both groups share a deficit in response output speed and verbal working memory. We hypothesized areas of cognitive superiority for each subtype: spatial memory for the inattentive and gestaltic composition for the combined. Results provide evidence to support quantitative and qualitative differences in the neuropsychological profile between the ADHD-innatentive and combined subtypes.
KeywordsADHD subtypesAttention deficit/hyperactivity disorderExecutive functionMotor controlNeuropsychological profileWorking memoryCategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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