Plasticity of the central nervous system and treatment strategies for sensory and motor reprogram: comparison between two cases of cerebrovascular disease in the middle cerebral artery territory
INTRODUCTION Injury to the central nervous system causes a series of symptoms, which lead to a process of cerebral plasticity. Propioceptive and exteroceptive information processing from the outside to the brain, influence the development of neuroplasticity, which contributes to either the recovery or maintenance of sensory-motor alterations after a stroke. CASE REPORTS. Two patients with cerebrovascular accident in the left middle cerebral artery territory, one of them ischemic and the other hemorrhagic, whose sensory and motor therapy applied show big differences.
CONCLUSIONS Treatment strategies for functional rehabilitation following a cerebrovascular accident, must be established in relation to current hypotheses on cerebral neuroplasticity and central nervous system pathways, which shows less damage or better sensory motor response. The assessment of neurological signs and symptoms, can indicate which tracts show more or less damage and which ones show greater response to motor recovery treatment. Nevertheless, functional neuroimaging diagnosis provides us with the data in a more reliable way. Even so, among patients that show similar lesion zones, according to diagnosis of computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, there exists a significant clinical variability among different cases, in which case we confirm, in reference to physical treatment, that there are no patients alike, or identical patients even if they have the same clinical diagnosis of the disease.
KeywordsCerebrovascular accidentFunctional reorganizationMotor activityNeural pathwaysNeuronal plasticityPhysical therapy (specialty)CategoriesPatología vascular
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