The treatment of multiple sclerosis in Latin America: current practice and optimal standards. The findings of a survey among neurologists at an interactive workshop
INTRODUCTION Considerable progress has been made in the treatment of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) over the last decade. Exactly how these changes are reflected in daily practice, however, is still not very well known. AIMS. To hold interactive workshops so as to be able to evaluate the opinions of Latin-American neurologists about the therapeutic decisions taken with regard to MS.
MATERIALS AND METHODS By means of an interactive voting system, professionals attending each workshop replied to ten pre-established questions about when to start treatment, the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to supervise treatment, the definition of therapeutic failure and the role of treatment using immunosuppressants. The results were compared with those obtained in similar workshops attended by European and North American neurologists held six months earlier.
RESULTS The use of immunomodulators was considered to be useful in isolated demyelinating syndromes, as 40-50% endorsed their use in clinically stable patients. MRI was seen to be the most sensitive method of monitoring the effectiveness of the therapy –70.6% of them proposed the application of annual scans, which suggests a more frequent use in Latin America than in Europe or the USA. On defining therapeutic failure, the clinical criteria were more important than the MRI scan, and a switch from beta interferons to glatiramer acetate or vice versa was recommended. Treatment with immunosuppressants was considered to be useful in reducing the accumulated disability, but there was no agreement on how to use them. In Latin America, decisions about when to begin treatment seem to lie somewhere between the more favourable posture adopted in USA and the more conservative stance in Europe.
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