Hospital care for stroke patients in the Valencian Region using the basic minimum data set from the International ClassificationofDiseases,9th revision, clinical modification
AIM To determine the load and characteristics of cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) admitted in the hospital network throughout the Valencian Region.
PATIENTS AND METHODS The paper reports on an analysis of the information included in the basic minimum data set (BMDS) from the 26 hospitals run by the Valencian Regional Ministry of Health in the year 2001. Patients that were selected were those whose main diagnosis was codes C.430 to C.437, according to the International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification (ICD-9-CM).
RESULTS A total of 10,558 patients with CVD were discharged, which accounts for 2.6% of admissions and 3% of hospital stays. The mean age of the series was 71.03 years –standard deviation (SD): 9– and 94.8% were admitted as emergencies. By diagnoses, 3% (319) were subarachnoid haemorrhages (SAH; C.430); 13.4% (1,412) were cerebral haemorrhages (ICH; C.431); 18.5% (1,956) were transient ischemic attacks (TIA; C.435); 49.5% (5,225) were cases of cerebral infarction (CI; C.434 and C.436); and 15.6% involved other vascular processes (C.433 and C.437). Mortality rates were 30.1% in SAH; 33.9% in ICH; 11.7% in CI; and 2.7% in TIA. Mean number of days in hospital: SAH 17.4 (SD: 15); ICH 13.1 (SD: 11.8); CI 9.9 (SD: 6.4) and in cases of TIA 7.2 (SD: 4). The percentages of survivors who were discharged home were 78.9 % in SAH, 83.2% in ICH and 91.9% in the case of CI. In all, 51.3% (5,413 patients) were discharged by neurological units. CONCLUSION. In spite of possible insufficiencies analysed in this work, the use of the BMDS provides valuable epidemiological information that is very useful for health care management.
KeywordsCerebral infarctionCerebrovascular diseasesDiagnosis related groupsEpidemiologyHospitalizationInternational Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification (ICD-9-CM)MortalityStrokeTransient ischemic attacksCategoriesPatología vascular
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