Epidemiology of genetic mental retardation. An analysis of the needs, importance, aims, characteristics, value and limitations of a register of cases of mental retardation of genetic origin
INTRODUCTION The need to identify, quantify and classify the cases of mental retardation with a genetic origin (MRGO) has led the GIRMOGEN (Genetic Mental Retardation Research Group) to promote a computerised register of cases of MRGO. Aims and development. The fundamental goals of this work are to present the problem of MRGO from the epidemiological point of view and to argue for the need and importance of registering these pathologies. It also aims to analyse the usefulness and the different studies that can be implemented on the basis of a register of this kind, and to state the limitations of the register.
CONCLUSIONS The creation of case registers essentially built upon databases that can be updated online over the Internet is a novel methodology in the area of preventive medicine and public health. The process of constructing such a system is time-consuming and complex, and there are practically no references available in the literature concerning the theoretical aspects of its design and development. Before undertaking the building of a registry system of this kind, a prior analysis of the need for, as well as the importance, characteristics, value and limitations of the register must be carried out.
KeywordsDatabasesEpidemiologyGenetic originGeneticsMental retardationPublic healthRegistersCategoriesInfeccionesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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