INTRODUCTION Autistic disorder is briefly explained and defined in the light of recent research. DEVELOPMENT. From the perspective offered by ontogenesis and the acquisitions that take place during normal development, we present an updated vision of the genesis of autistic disorder and also review the most significant data provided by the different studies that have been conducted on the subject. Detection of the disorder is clearly a difficult task before the age of one year and, in any case, the earliest symptoms are clearly linked to the social and communicative interaction that characteristically takes place at the end of the infant’s first year of life. CONCLUSION. Early detection of the disorder is made possible precisely because of alterations in social and communicative development and, in general, the appearance of psychological functions that play a significant role in the process of humanisation. The article concludes by pointing out the need for further studies that focus on the possible alteration of earlier socio-emotional and affective manifestations.
KeywordsAutismAutism spectrum disordersEarly detectionEarly developmentEarly diagnosisOntogenesisPsychological functionsCategoriesNeuropediatríaTécnicas exploratorias
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