INTRODUCTION A careful analysis of the mistakes made by children with learning disabilities in writing reveals a number of qualitatively distinct errors, each of which is directly related to one of the fundamental processes underlying the ability to spell correctly, that is to say, perceptive-linguistic, metalinguistic, operative memory and long-term memory processes, among others. The objective of this study is to describe our proposal for a methodology for treating children with orthography learning difficulties that takes these processes into account. DEVELOPMENT. A thorough analysis of the orthographic mistakes and their semiological classification is taken as our starting point, and we then put forward a sequence of instruction for each kind of error that tackles the deficient psycholinguistic processes, offsets the weaker points of the processing with the stronger points, and aims to get the child to learn a large number of words, thus favouring the metacognitive and self-regulatory processes applied to writing.
CONCLUSIONS Teaching pupils with dyslexic and dysorthographic problems to spell and write correctly entails important methodological difficulties. In our clinical practice we have attempted to develop teaching processes that fit the semiological characteristics of the spelling errors by trying to modify both the pupil’s actual academic performance and the psycholinguistic processes that underlie such errors.
KeywordsDyslexiaLearning disabilitiesOrthography disordersReading disabilitiesSpelling disordersSpelling treatment
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