INTRODUCTION In every class in our schools, teachers are faced with one or two children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a neurobiological disorder with three main clinical axes: lack of attention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Generally speaking, these children develop poorer psycholinguistic skills, although over 50% of these problems remain undetected because they are concealed by the child’s behaviour. Most of the children will see some kind of adverse effect on their academic performance, chiefly in areas concerning reading and writing. DEVELOPMENT. The language disorders in ADHD are mainly related to the areas of semantics and pragmatics and, to a lesser extent, to phonetic-phonological aspects. They are discernible from the earliest months of life, during the preverbal stage, which is the time when the infant’s character is being shaped. In this case, our experience shows that the character can be classed as difficult or inflexible and explosive in 56.5% of children diagnosed with ADHD. Moreover, we know that many children with this disorder find it difficult to engage in play, and 30% of them have retarded language development. A rather undefined percentage of children can have similar problems to those of children with autism spectrum disorders, which makes the differential diagnosis even more complicated.
CONCLUSIONS The mixed model of intervention in ADHD includes language work within the context of cognitive-behavioural programmes and the development of narrative skills and social competencies through a literary creativity workshop. This study offers a review of the psycholinguistic problems affecting children with ADHD in the light of our own experience, together with other clinical evidence.
KeywordsADHDDifficult characterLanguageNarrativeSemantic-pragmatic language disorderCategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
FULL TEXT(solo disponible en lengua castellana / Only available in Spanish)
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