INTRODUCTION Neurocysticercosis (NC) is the infection of the central nervous system caused by the Taenia solium larva. It is related to a wide variety of clinical symptoms and pathological findings.
AIM Clinical study, diagnosis, treatment and evolution of 112 patients with NC.
PATIENTS AND METHODS 112 patients with NC, between 1 and 14 years of age, were evaluated and followed from 18 months up to 13 years.
RESULTS The most common clinical symptoms were epileptic seizures and signs of intracranial hypertension. The disease progressed as follows: active forms were seen in around 39% of the cases (viable cysts in 3% and transitional/granulomatous form in 36%), encephalitic form in 22% and inactive form (calcifications) in 39%. In the great majority of the cases, a treatment with anti-helmitic was not used. The control of the crises was positive in 86% of the cases –94% in the transitional forms, 93% in the inactive forms and 68% in the encephalitic form–. Recurrence of crises happened after suspension of the medication in 12,5% of the granulomatous form and in 11,2% of the inactive form. Neurological sequelae occurred only in the encephalitic form (12/25 patients).
CONCLUSIONS Clinical findings and clinical evolution of neurocysticercosis in children is related to the evolutive form of the disease. The clinical evolution, including control of the crises and radiological control, is benign in the inactive and active forms, except in the encephalitic forms. The extraparenquimatous form is quite rare in the pediatric group.
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