
Quantitative electroencephalography features and cognitive impairment in alcoholic patients

M.E. de Quesada-Martínez, G.F. Díaz-Pérez, A. Herrera-Ramos, M. Tamayo-Porras, R. Rubio-López [REV NEUROL 2007;44:81-88] PMID: 17236146 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.4402.2006188 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 44 | Number 02 | Nº of views of the article 5.366 | Nº of PDF downloads 56 | Article publication date 16/01/2007
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
AIM To determine the exact relation between the characteristics of quantitative electroencephalogram analyses and the estimators of the cognitive status in alcoholic patients undergoing withdrawal.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS The study examined 49 patients diagnosed with alcoholism (DSM-IV) after 10 days of withdrawal, as well as the correlation between the bandwidth measures from the quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG) analysis and the characteristics of the visual and auditory cognitive evoked potentials (P300) and from the findings of the attention and memory tests.

RESULTS The patients were divided into two groups: group one, which displayed an overall increase in the delta and theta absolute powers with frontal predominance, and group two, with reduced delta and theta absolute powers. Latency of the P300 wave was delayed in patients, particularly in those in group one, but regional absence of the P300 wave was more frequent in group two. Results of attention and memory tests were abnormal in patients, especially those in group one.

CONCLUSIONS The findings in the two groups appear to reflect different stages in the progression of alcoholism: the first only involved cortical dysfunction due to metabolic causes and the second possibly had added cortical atrophy. They might also represent two types of biological response by their nervous systems to the same pathogenic agent. These findings suggest that it is advisable to conduct follow-up studies involving qEEG, cognitive tests and magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in this kind of patient.
KeywordsAlcoholismAttentionCognitive impairmentEvent related P300 potentialsqEEGWorking memory CategoriesNeuropsicología
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