INTRODUCTION The neurological manifestations of celiac disease (CD) may be caused by the disease itself, by associated autoimmune diseases or by complications from the tumours that may develop in the long term. We report a case of sensory ganglionopathy associated to CD.
CASE REPORT A 59-year-old female with chronic diarrhoea and loss of weight, who visited because of a clinical picture of gait disorders that progressed to the point where she was barely able to walk. Having been diagnosed with CD, finding a sensory ganglionopathy with dysautonomia (an atypical manifestation of this disease) led to a diagnosis of associated Sjogren’s syndrome (SS).
CONCLUSIONS The neurological manifestations of CD are very varied, but in the presence of a sensory ganglionopathy, a neurological picture that is atypical in this disease, it becomes necessary to suspect SS, which is an infrequent but well established association. Likewise, all patients with SS must be screened for CD, which (albeit subclinically) can be complicated in the long term by the development of tumours. The differential diagnosis of the neurological manifestations of CD and of sensory ganglionopathy, as well as the association between celiac disease and SS, is also discussed.
KeywordsAntigliadin antibodiesAtaxiaCeliac diseaseNeurologic disordersNeuronopathy sensorySjögren’s syndrome
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