INTRODUCTION Drivers with a neurological pathology have a greater risk of involvement in traffic accidents than healthy drivers.
AIM To evaluate the fitness to drive of drivers with a neurological or neuromuscular pathology.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS 5,234 drivers attending two Medical Driver Test Centres with the aim of carrying out a medical-psychological examination to obtain or renew their driving license were included in the study. Information was obtained concerning sociodemographic aspects, driving habits, the referred pathology and consumption of medicaments and alcohol.
RESULTS 1.4% of the drivers presented a neuromuscular or neurological pathology. The most frequent were muscular disorders of a neurological origin (32.5%), a history of cerebrovascular accidents (27%) and epilepsy (24.3%). 21.6% of the drivers were considered ‘fit’, 77.1% were ‘fit with restrictions’, and only 1.3% were considered ‘unfit’ to drive.
CONCLUSIONS The great majority of drivers (98.7%) with a neurological pathology are considered ‘fit’ or ‘fit with restrictions’ to drive. Even though only a small percentage of divers with neurological pathologies are considered ‘unfit’ to drive, given their increased risk of involvement in traffic accidents, an early, individual evaluation of these patients’ fitness to drive, taking into account the associated pathology, prescribed medication, consumption of alcohol and age, would seem necessary.
KeywordsAutomobile driver examinationFitness to driveNeurological disordersTraffic accidents
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