Multicentric inflammatory pseudotumor with asynchronic presentation in meninges, liver, spleen and lymph nodes in a patient with seronegative spondiloarthropathy. Case report and review of the literature
INTRODUCTION Inflammatory pseudotumor is a reactive process in which the etiology and pathogenesis are not well defined, that can be found in any location. The cases with central nervous system affection have been described in meninges, brain, choroid plexus and cranial and spinal nerves. Multicentric cases, synchronous and asynchronous have been described.
CASE REPORT A 45 years-old woman with a rheumatologic disease (a seronegative spondiloarthropathy) who developed an inflammatory pseudotumor in spleen, liver and abdominal lymph nodes in 1995, associated to fever of unknown origin, six years later she presented with an inflammatory pseudotumor of the meninges in the convexity of the right frontoparietal region, with fever, malaise, and increase of globular sedimentation rate, microcytic hypochromic anemia and thrombocytosis. CONCLUSION. The clinicopathologic features of this lesion are revised, including the different theories in regard to the etiology and pathogenesis, and the role of cytokines produced by inflammatory cells in the tumor.
KeywordsAsynchronous multicentric inflammatory pseudotumorFeverMeningesCategoriesCáncer y tumores
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