INTRODUCTION The meningitis is one of the most severe diseases in children due to its mortality or sequels. However, timely knowledge of whether the infection is bacterial or viral in origin and applied a specific therapeutic would be beneficial for the patients and clinician. The haptoglobin/IgG index and Boyer’s score have been use in this purpose.
PATIENTS AND METHODS 39 pediatric patients, 14 suffering from viral meningoencephalitis and 25 from bacterial meningoencephalitis were study. Boyer’s score and Hp/IgG index were applied in order to evaluate its diagnostic accuracy. The clinical relevance of haptoglobin/IgG index and Boyer’s score were compared by the analysis of the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves.
RESULTS There were no association between Boyer’s score and the cause of the meningitis. The sensitivity and specificity of haptoglobin/IgG index were de 71.4 and 64%, respectively. The same parametric to Boyer’s score were de 28 and 100%. Increased haptoglobin/IgG index presents bigger precision for the differential diagnostic of the bacterial and viral meningitis than the scale of Boyer according to the curves ROC. CONCLUSION. The index haptoglobin/IgG showed its diagnostic superiority with relationship to the scale of Boyer to establish the origin of the meningoencephalitis.
KeywordsBoyer’s scoreDifferential diagnosisHaptoglobinMeningitisReceiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves
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