INTRODUCTION Immigration is shaping a new model of society, with new needs and demands, whose characteristics must guide health-care policies.
AIM To determine the repercussions of the phenomenon of immigration on the extra-hospital neurological care carried out in Department 16 of the Agencia Valenciana de Salud (Valencian Health Service) and how language problems affect visits.
PATIENTS AND METHODS We conducted a prospective study during 26 consecutive outpatient visits in the first three months of 2006.
RESULTS Of all the patients who were attended, 9.5% were foreigners. Of these, 77.7% came from EU countries. And of those from outside the Community, 13% were from Latin American countries, 5% came from European countries that do not belong to the EU and 5% were from Africa. Mean ages were 61.5 years for the EU group and 42.6 years for the other nationalities. The main reasons for visiting were headache and cognitive impairment. The poorer the quality of communication was, the longer the visit lasted.
CONCLUSIONS The high prevalence of immigrants from the EU, mostly elderly persons and with chronic neurological pathologies, together with the ageing of the autochthonous population, have led to a progressive growth in the demand for health care in our area. The language barrier makes clinical practice more complicated and results in an increase in the time needed for each patient. These facts must be taken into account when planning both the health care resources in our area and visiting times per patient.
KeywordsAmbulatory neurological careCommunity immigrationImported ageing of the populationLanguage problemsCategoriesCalidad, Gestión y Organización Asistencial
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