AIM To identify the clinical-epidemiological features and the factors related to the presence of disability in patients with migraine.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural population at the Policlínica Mabay in the province of Granma, Cuba. The second International Headache Society classification was used. Sample size, which was calculated using the program EpiInfo 2002, was 360 adult workers over 18 years of age, who were selected by simple random sampling.
RESULTS Sixty-one respondents were diagnosed with migraine (prevalence: 16.9%; 95% CI = 13.3-21.31). Prevalence among females was 24.3% (CI 95% = 18.7-30.82) and 7.1% (CI 95% = 3.8-12.73) among males. Chronic migraine was the most frequent, with 25 cases (prevalence: 6.9%; CI 95% = 4.63-10.21), followed by migraine without aura, with 18 diagnoses (prevalence: 5%; CI 95% = 3.08-7.93). Frequency of headaches was greater in females (30.17 ± 12 days versus 23.45 ± 10 days; p = 0.041), as was their duration (19.87 ± 6.95 h versus 15.73 ± 5.58 h in males; p = 0.027). Minimal disability affected 24.6% of patients with migraine and 39.3% suffered moderate disability. Higher degrees of disability were associated to being female, the time elapsed since onset of the disease (21.04 ± 10.1 years versus 15.33 ± 7.5 years; p = 0.017), the frequency of headaches in the last three months (30.28 ± 10.1 days with headache versus 25.25 ± 8.5; p = 0.042), the duration of the headache (23.3 ± 15.24 h versus 12.38 ± 10.9 h; p = 0.002) and chronic migraine (p = 0.016).
CONCLUSIONS There is a great social and occupational burden of disability in patients with migraine in the geographical area under study, and females are affected by this condition to a greater extent.
KeywordsCubaDisabilityMigrainePrevalenceCategoriesCefalea y MigrañaDolor
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