Treatment of motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease
Tratamiento de los síntomas motores en la enfermedad de Parkinson
Rev Neurol 2009
, 48(Suplemento 1),
INTRODUCTION The physiopathology of the motor symptoms is the best known aspect of the Parkinson’s disease. This knowledge led us to use several drugs and therapeutic strategies to improve these features of the Parkinson’s disease. DEVELOPMENT AND
CONCLUSIONS Mainly based in the theory of continuous dopaminergic stimulation, new drugs, new routes of administration and new galenic formulations have been developed, as well surgical procedures and other therapies have been introduced to improve the management of patients with long diseases without a responses to the classic therapies. At the same time, several often-used drugs have disappeared due to its non-parkinsonian adverse effects and also the influence in quality of life of non-motor parkinsonian adverse effects have been ultimately recognized.
CONCLUSIONS Mainly based in the theory of continuous dopaminergic stimulation, new drugs, new routes of administration and new galenic formulations have been developed, as well surgical procedures and other therapies have been introduced to improve the management of patients with long diseases without a responses to the classic therapies. At the same time, several often-used drugs have disappeared due to its non-parkinsonian adverse effects and also the influence in quality of life of non-motor parkinsonian adverse effects have been ultimately recognized.
Introducción En la enfermedad de Parkinson (EP), la fisiopatología de la sintomatología motora es la más estudiada. Este conocimiento permite que la mayoría del arsenal terapéutico en la EP intente mejorar este aspecto cardinal. Desarrollo y conclusiones. Basándose principalmente en el concepto de la terapia dopaminérgica continua, durante los últimos años hemos sido testigos de un rápido avance en el tratamiento de la EP con la aparición de nuevos fármacos, nuevas vías de administración y nuevas presentaciones galénicas, así como el desarrollo de técnicas quirúrgicas y otras terapias utilizadas en el paciente con EP evolucionada rebelde a la terapia farmacológica habitual. Al mismo tiempo, han desaparecido fármacos muy utilizados durante años debido al conocimiento de nuevos efectos secundarios no parkinsonianos, aunque también han cobrado importancia efectos secundarios parkinsonianos no motores con gran influencia en la calidad de vida de los pacientes y su entorno familiar.
Antiparkinsonian agents
Catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors
Deep brain stimulation
Dopamine agonists
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
Parkinson’s disease
Palabras Claves
Agentes antiparkinsonianos
Agonistas dopaminérgicos
Enfermedad de Parkinson
Estimulación cerebral profunda
Inhibidores de la catecol-orto-metiltransferasa
Inhibidores de la monoaminooxidasa