INTRODUCTION Human beings are characterised by the specialisation of certain functions, such as language or the ability to walk. We have achieved this capacity thanks to the development of multiple connections among different areas of the central and peripheral nervous system, together with adaptation of the musculoskeletal system. These are all essential to be able to walk correctly and to keep our balance. DEVELOPMENT. Gait disorders are currently receiving a great deal of attention in neurology departments, and this fact is directly related to the phenomenon of the ageing of the population, since it is a pathology that is particularly prevalent among the elderly. One of the fundamental mainstays in the study of these disorders is being able to distinguish between the different clinical gait patterns and their classification according to the neural system that has been damaged. Observation, the use of different manoeuvres in the examination and the search for other associated clinical signs all enable us reach a good diagnostic approximation, which will later be confirmed with more specific complementary techniques.
CONCLUSIONS From the therapeutic point of view, an early multidisciplinary intervention by the neurologist, primary care, specialists in rehabilitation and physiotherapists improves patients’ quality of life and lowers the rate of associated comorbidity and mortality, which also results in a reduction in spending on community health resources.
KeywordsBalance disordersElderly peopleFallsGait disordersGait rehabilitationInstability
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