AIM To review the findings about neural correlates of number processing and arithmetic calculation, as well as the neurostructural and neurofunctional imaging findings in patients with difficulties in this kind of abilities. DEVELOPMENT. The parietal lobe and specifically, the horizontal segment of the intraparietal sulcus, has become specialized in the internal representation of quantities, the abstract processing of magnitudes and the relation between them. On the other hand, the angular gyrus takes part in the verbal processing of certain tasks called arithmetical facts (for instance, multiplication tables and additions of small quantities). Prefrontal cortex, posterior part of temporal lobe, cingulate cortex and several subcortical regions are also involved in number processing. Empirical data have provided theoretical and anatomical models for number processing and calculation of which the Triple Code Model is currently the most accepted one. Moreover, implementation of neuroimaging techniques has demonstrated that patients who reported difficulties in numerical tasks show structural and functional involvement of the intraparietal sulcus.
CONCLUSIONS Neuroimaging techniques have allowed to specifying the neural basis of number processing and calculation. These findings can increase our knowledge of developmental dyscalculia and it’s neuroanatomical and neurofunctional correlates. In the future, imaging and neuropsychological data could lead us to more accurate diagnosis methods and better educational programs, in order to improve numerical abilities of patients affected by dyscalculia.
KeywordsAcalculiaAngular gyrusCalculationDyscalculiafMRIFrontal lobeIntraparietal sulcusNumber processing
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