INTRODUCTION In recent years, neuroscience has shown a growing interest in applying its methods to furthering the knowledge of psychiatric disorders, and one of the fundamental tools used to do so are neuroimaging techniques. Yet, in general, few studies have been conducted in which functional magnetic resonance has been applied in this field and findings are sometimes contradictory. AIMS. In this first part of our work we review the specialised bibliography and present a critical discussion on the scientific literature published to date on neuroimaging and neuropsychology of one of the most widely studied disorders from a neurobiological point of view, namely, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). DEVELOPMENT. The article outlines the basic aspects of neurobiological research into OCD, which has focused more especially on studying the cortico-striato-thalamic system. Results of this research suggest the existence of a deficit in the response inhibition as the possible cognitive substrate underlying the symptoms of OCD. In the second part, we will review the papers dealing with the use of this neuroimaging technique that have been indexed in the most commonly used medical databases on the topic since 1996.
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