INTRODUCTION Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the most important inhibitory-type neurotransmitter and its actions are mediated by ionotropic (GABAA) and metabotropic (GABAB) type receptors, which are widely distributed throughout the tissue of the central nervous system.
AIM To review the structure of GABA receptors and their involvement in physiological processes in the central nervous system. DEVELOPMENT. The study addresses the structure and diversity of the GABA receptors, especially during neurodevelopment, and reference is made to the excitatory and inhibitory nature of GABAergic transmission, where the participation of the cotransporters NKCC1 and KCC2 plays a key role in this functional duality in the transition from an embryonic to a post-natal state. Likewise, the interest in GABA receptors as a pharmacological target for clinical use is also discussed. This is manifested by the presence of under-explored allosteric modulation sites in the aforementioned complex-receptor.
CONCLUSIONS The physiological and pharmacological knowledge of the great diversity of subunits that make up a particular subtype of GABA receptor, as well as the correct expression in time and space in order to ensure the viability of the organism, promise to be the answer to long-time severe disorders like epilepsy or drug addiction, and such complex ones as neurodevelopment.
KeywordsAlcoholBenzodiazepinesChlorineGABA receptorsKCC2NeurodevelopmentNKCC1NociceptionCategoriesNeurociencia básica
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