INTRODUCTION One of the main matters of drug administration into the central nervous system (CNS) is to cross the blood brain barrier. For this reason, in some cases the drug does not reach the therapeutic level or is necessary to use some special systems to get a right administration.
AIM To present a technological system which allow continuous and direct administration of the drug into the CNS. It consists of enclosing secreting-cells of the desired product within a semipermeable polymeric matrix. Furthermore, this device could be implanted easily into the CNS which improves the access of the drug to the injured places. DEVELOPMENT. During the last years the use of this technology has been researched in the treatment of diverse diseases affecting the CNS. Although it is important to point out that the majority of the studies done have been carried out in experimental animals therefore, it is in experimental state. The aim of this article is to review the current state of the use of cell encapsulation technology as treatment of CNS disorders. CONCLUSION. Taking into account the results obtained in different research works cell encapsulation technology could be a useful strategy to treat CNS disorders. However, some important matters are still to be solved out, before than technology of cell encapsulation could be a reality at clinical level.
KeywordsCell encapsulationCell therapyNeurodegenerative disordersNeuroprotectionNeuroregenerationNeurotrophic factorsCategoriesNeurodegeneración
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