Effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation in acquired brain injury (II): executive functions, behavioural modification and psychotherapy, and the use of the new technologies
INTRODUCTION The consequences of acquired brain injury include impairments in cognition, emotion and behaviour. Neuropsychology provides techniques for treating these disorders, but it is still important to establish which of all the available tools are most effective for this purpose. DEVELOPMENT. This article reviews existing studies on the effectiveness of neuropsychological rehabilitation, focusing on those areas more often affected after acquired brain injury. The purpose of the article is to guide and orient neuropsychological rehabilitation of these patients based on the strongest evidence available in the literature. In this second part, we will focus on the rehabilitation of executive functions, the behaviour modification, and psychotherapy applied in this area, as well as the application of new technologies. CONCLUSION. There is enough evidence to recommend the neuropsychological rehabilitation of executive functions, and the application of the above mentioned tools in patients with acquired brain injury.
KeywordsAcquired brain injuryBehavior modificationEffectivenessExecutive functionsNeuropsychological rehabilitationPsychotherapyTechnologyCategoriesNeurología del Lenguaje y la ComunicaciónNeuropsicología
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