INTRODUCTION Telemedicine is the application of telemedicine. There is not a new branch of medicine, but a way of exercising through systems that seek to alleviate the physical separation of its protagonists. There are many activities closely related to telemedicine, such as the telecare of socio-distance services, telehealth, which is responsible for increasing the welfare and health of individuals, teleeducation (health) and telesurgery. DEVELOPMENT. The neurorehabilitation is a process designed to reduce disability and social disadvantage suffered by a person as a result of a neurological disease, in which the telerehabilitation is positioning as a therapeutic measure. The telerehabilitation refers to the provision of rehabilitation services through electronic systems, based on information and communication technologies.
CONCLUSIONS The development of these technologies have made telemedicine a reality, enabling extended rehabilitative care beyond the hospitalarian process, in a ecologic environment, where new constraints detect and evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention, compared with the activities of daily living and quality of life of patients at a sustainable cost, is a challenge today. However, current evidence of telerehabilitation measures in neurological patients is scarce in our country, so is necessary a larger number of studies focusing on the validity, reliability, effectiveness and efficiency of the technique.
KeywordsNeurologic disorderNeurologyNeurosciencesTelemedicineTelerehabilitationVirtual realityCategoriesNeurociencia básica
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