INTRODUCTION The delay in the actions of antidepressants as well as the percentage of patients that do not respond to antidepressant treatment, give rise to a keen interest in the development of biomarkers of therapeutic efficacy in depression, but it is also of importance to work towards the development of biomarkers of vulnerability, diagnosis and prognosis of this disorder. AIMS. To analyze what is known of the main genetic, molecular and biochemical biomarkers of depression already validated, and to discuss the present and future of this research field. DEVELOPMENT. Among the most repeatedly validated biomarkers of depression are the decrease in serotonin transporter binding in platelets and lymphocytes, hypercortisolemia, hypocholesteremia, decrease in brain-derived neurotrophic factor, decrease in CREB phosphorylation, and an increase in interleukin 6. CONCLUSION. Some biomarkers related to the pharmacogenetics of antidepressants are already a reality, now the next step will be to develop biomarkers of pathophysiological processes that correlate with important clinical aspects of depression.
KeywordsAntidepressantsBDNFCortisolSerotonin transporterCategoriesNeurociencia básica
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