
Chronic migraine as seen by neurologists and patients: results of the CIEN-mig project (III)

J. Pascual, M. Sánchez del Río, M.D. Jiménez-Hernández, J.M. Láinez-Andres, V. Mateos-Marcos, R. Leira, P. Pozo-Rosich, C. Guzmán-Quilo [REV NEUROL 2010;50:705-710] PMID: 20533248 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.5012.2010301 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 50 | Number 12 | Nº of views of the article 6.764 | Nº of PDF downloads 1.341 | Article publication date 15/06/2010
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION Data on the reality of chronic migraine in our clinics are scarce.

AIM To know the frequency of consultation and attitude of the neurologist regarding chronic migraine, and the opinion of patients with this condition.

SUBJECTS AND METHODS A total of 145 neurologists consulted electronically two questionnaires. The first tested the impact of chronic migraine and their approach in the daily practice. The second was filled in by the consecutive patients.

RESULTS A total of 4.1% of patients consulted due to chronic migraine, mostly women in their forties. The average time for diagnosis was 28.7 months. All neurologists recommended preventive treatment from the beginning. More than a quarter kept this treatment for more than a year and used drug combinations. Only half thought that overuse was the reason for chronic migraine and the majority allowed non-steroidal anti-inflammatories and triptans at restricted doses. Only half of the patients knew they had chronic migraine. In their opinion, heredity and the absence of an early and serious treatment could contribute for chronic migraine development.

CONCLUSIONS Almost one patient per day consults due to chronic migraine, which gives an idea of its impact. A better feed-back with primary care level is necessary, if we consider that the delay in the diagnosis is longer than two years. The majority of neurologists follows the current recommendations of the Headache Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology.
KeywordsAnalgesic overuseChronic migraineMigrainePreventive treatment CategoriesCefalea y MigrañaDependenciasDolor
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