INTRODUCTION It has been argued if the frontal, N1a, is the early part of the occipito-temporal, N1b, or there are two different waves. It is also not clear whether the N1 of distractor is equivalent to the target N1, neither to distinguish these four waves has some functional value.
PATIENTS AND METHODS We performed a principal component analysis of latencies and amplitudes of N1 derived from an oddball visual paradigm in a sample of 82 persons with intellectual disability, and factor scores were correlated with measures of intellectual performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition. RESULTS AND
CONCLUSIONS There is not significant dependency between N1a and N1b waves. The N1 from the target stimulus is functionally different to the N1 from the distractor. The N1a ‘target’ is related to the perceptual reasoning while the N1a ‘distractor’ is related to the working memory. The correlation between latencies and amplitudes of the target stimuli in posterior locations suggests that, similar to as observed in auditory areas, there is a visual synchronization with the prefrontal cortex; its dysfunction may explain some of the perceptual problems of people with intellectual disabilities.
KeywordsIntellectual disabilityN1Perceptual reasoningPrincipal component analysisVisual perception
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