INTRODUCTION International studies show that both the pattern of health and the healthcare provided for persons with intellectual disability (ID) and the general population are different. AIMS. To obtain data about the state of health of persons with ID and to compare them with data about the general population.
PATIENTS AND METHODS The P15 set of health indicators was used in a sample of 111 subjects with ID. The health data that were found were compared according to the subjects’ type of residence and the 2006 National Health Survey was used to compare these data with those for the general population.
RESULTS The sample with ID presented 25 times more cases of epilepsy and twice as many cases of obesity. Twenty per cent presented pain in the mouth and the presence of sensory and mobility problems, as well as psychosis, was high. We also found, however, a low presence of pathologies like diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. They also displayed a lower rate of participation in prevention and health promotion programmes, a higher number of hospital admissions and a lower usage of emergency services.
CONCLUSIONS The pattern of health of persons with ID differs from that of the general population, and they use healthcare services differently. It is important to develop programmes of health promotion and professional training that are specifically designed to attend to the needs of persons with ID. Likewise, it is also necessary to implement health surveys that include data about this population.
KeywordsDevelopmental disabilitiesHealth discrepanciesHealth indicatorsIntellectual disabilityMental retardationCategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatría
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