This study analyses the links between the Russian and Soviet neurosciences and their Spanish counterpart, especially with regard to the experiences of the Spanish Republican physicians exiled in the USSR. The Russian neurosciences, which date back to the second half of the 19th century, followed a path that ran parallel to the discipline throughout the rest of Europe and finally displayed signs of being influenced by the German and French schools. Important figures include Alexei Kojevnikov and Vladimir Bekhterev in neurology, Sergei Korsakov in psychiatry, Ivan Pavlov and his disciple Piotr Anojin in neurophysiology, Lev Vygotsky and Alexander Luria in neuropsychology, and Nikolai Burdenko in neurosurgery. When the Bolsheviks came to power, they brought with them a progressive conception of health care, which was modified during the Stalinist era to serve political interests, above all in the case of psychiatry. During the first third of the 20th century, Spanish scientists became interested in Pavlov’s reflexology and the Soviets took a similar interest in Spanish histology. Among the 4500 Spanish Republicans who emigrated to the USSR because of the Spanish Civil War, there were several dozen physicians who were privileged witnesses of the madness that shook the science and the health care of that period. Relevant names worth citing here from the field of the neurosciences include Juan Planelles and Ramón Álvarez-Buylla in neurophysiology, Federico Pascual and Florencio Villa Landa in psychiatry, Ángel Escobio and María Pérez in neurology, Julián Fuster in neurosurgery and Manuel Arce in neuroimaging.
KeywordsBurdenko InstituteNeurologyNeurophysiologyNeuropsychologyNeuroradiologyNeurosciencesNeurosurgeryPsychiatrySpanish Republican physiciansStalinismCategoriesNeurociencia básicaNeurocirugíaNeurofisiologíaNeuropsicología
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