Development and response to intravenous treatment with tissue plasminogen activator with regard to referral hospitals. The experience of a stroke referral unit
INTRODUCTION The intravenous administration of tissue plasminogen inhibitor is a safe and effective treatment for patients with an acute ischaemic stroke. The prognosis depends on a number of factors, the time that elapses between the onset of the stroke and its administration being one of those with the greatest impact.
PATIENTS AND METHODS This is a prospective observational study of the patients who received intravenous fibrinolysis in our stroke unit between June 2007 and December 2010. The patients were divided into two groups, a distinction being made between those who went directly to A&E at our hospital and those who were referred from other hospitals in Extremadura. The baseline characteristics, response to treatment and development in each group were compared.
RESULTS The patients who came from outside our health district were mainly males, with a TACI-type stroke and they presented higher scores on the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). The time elapsed prior to administration of the fibrinolysis was shorter in the patients from our health district. The NIHSS score on discharge was higher in patients who came from another health district, but there were no differences in the Rankin scale at three months or in the mortality rate.
CONCLUSIONS Patients submitted to fibrinolysis who come from another hospital score higher on the NIHSS on discharge. This is probably due to a bias in the selection of the patients, since those referred are mainly males, who have a poorer clinical situation on admission and receive treatment in a significantly longer time interval following the onset of symptoms.
KeywordsFibrinolysisPrognosisRankin scalert-PAStrokeStroke UnitCategoriesPatología vascular
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