INTRODUCTION The study of the ontogenesis of neurotransmitter systems is relevant not only to understand the development of the central nervous system. The new horizons that have appeared in research into the use of stem cells in the repair of damaged neurons are allowing attempts to be made to imitate the differentiation and maintenance of the type of affected neuron. To achieve this, it is necessary to understand which signals direct the differentiation and the molecules that guide their maturation, their survival and the maintenance of their functionality. Furthermore, the early emergence of these systems during ontogenesis has led us to question their participation in the regulation of the development of the central nervous system. AIMS. To describe the most significant events in the development of the neurotransmitter systems and to discuss some of the processes that take part in the ontogenesis of the nervous system. DEVELOPMENT. The study will offer a chronological review of the sequence of molecular events in the main neurotransmitter systems that allow the phenotype to be established and the appearance of receptors and transporters. Likewise, the role they play in events like neurogenesis, proliferation, differentiation and neuronal migration will also be outlined.
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