Measurements of stress and family impact in the parents of children with autism spectrum disorders before and after taking part in a training programme
INTRODUCTION The presence of a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the family causes an overall impact on parents and siblings manifested in a significant increase in stress.
AIM To analyze whether the implementation of a specific school of families for parents of people with ASD has a positive effect in the family impact, specifically in the stress perception and skills of parents who have children with ASD.
SUBJECTS AND METHODS A total of 27 parents having children with ASD participated in a school of families from which 13 of them filled a questionnaire of family impact before and after attending the training. Frequency and comparison analysis were carried out through the Wilcoxon interval test.
RESULTS After the following of the school of families, improvement tendencies were shown regarding the decrease of parent’s stress, as regards the perception about their answers on their son’s behaviors, and significantly, in the assessment of the quality of the time shared among parents and typically developing siblings.
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