Narcolepsy is an emblematic, unique disease within sleep disorders that is characterised by excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and other abnormal manifestations of REM sleep. In the last 14 years truly spectacular progress has been made in our knowledge of this disease, since the discovery of its cause, i.e. a loss of the hypothalamic neurons that synthesise hypocretin, a previously unknown neurotransmitter, and its probable aetiopathogenic mechanisms, i.e. an autoimmune process in a patient with very precise immunological characteristics – a specific type of HLA and a specific type of T-cell receptor. The cause of this autoimmune process remains unknown. The definitive treatment – the administration of hypocretin, which is the substance missing in the organism – is still unavailable, but there are powerful drugs for treating its main symptoms, the sleepiness and the cataplexy. Some of these are classic compounds (methylphenidate, clomipramine), while others are more recent (modafinil, venlafaxine, sodium oxybate), but together they allow many patients to experience significant improvements. Lack of knowledge about the disease, both on the part of patients and their relatives as well as physicians, is the reason for the great delay in its diagnosis, with even more dramatic consequences when the disease begins in infancy.
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