
Prenatal cerebrovascular accidents diagnosed in the early infant stage: a series of 10 patients

M. Pina-Jover, M. Martínez-Del Villar, L. Lillo-Laguna, R. Jadraque-Rodríguez, P. Martínez-Pastor, J. Jover-Cerdá, F. Gómez-Gosálvez [REV NEUROL 2013;57:3-8] PMID: 23799595 DOI: https://doi.org/10.33588/rn.5701.2012573 OPEN ACCESS
Volumen 57 | Number 01 | Nº of views of the article 7.676 | Nº of PDF downloads 798 | Article publication date 01/07/2013
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ABSTRACT Artículo en español English version
INTRODUCTION A foetal or prenatal cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is defined as an ischaemic, thrombotic or arterial or venous haemorrhagic event that occurs between the 14th week of gestation and the onset of labour.

PATIENTS AND METHODS We report a retrospective study of a series of 10 patients suffering from a, presumably foetal, stroke that went unnoticed during the pregnancy and was diagnosed in the early infant stage. The symptoms and the age at which they were identified are highlighted.

RESULTS None of the 10 patients studied presented any relevant events in the mothers’ medical history, but there were four threats of a preterm birth that were solved using the usual means and without the occurrence of any alterations that later affected the foetus. The studies that led to the diagnosis were carried out between the sixth and ninth months of life, and the reason for visiting was reported by the family as being a lower degree of mobility on one side of the body with respect to the other. Two patients presented thrombophilia. With a mean follow-up time of six years, all the patients have an associated infantile cerebral palsy, a third of them have epilepsy and 75% have learning difficulties or intellectual disability.

CONCLUSIONS When CVA are not detected in the prenatal period, it is important in primary care to look for and detect the warning signs of the psychomotor development of the infant at an early stage in order to begin a study of the case and to undertake rehabilitation as early as possible.
KeywordsFoetal strokePrenatal cerebrovascular accidentPrenatal infarction CategoriesPatología vascular
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