INTRODUCTION The main effects of vitamin D have to do with the homeostasis of calcium and phosphorous, and also with the regulation of bone remodelling. Yet, in recent years, different lines of research have given rise to a large body of knowledge about its role in the pathogenesis and the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS).
AIM To carry out a critical review of the evidence that relates vitamin D with MS from an epidemiological, genetic, immunological and therapeutic point of view. DEVELOPMENT. The work includes an update of the most significant studies that have analysed the role played by vitamin D in the pathogenesis and the treatment of MS. In order to explore the association between concentrations of vitamin D and the risk of MS, the authors examined the available evidence, which included both observation-based studies and intervention studies.
CONCLUSIONS Observation-based studies have shown a consistent inverse relationship between concentrations of vitamin D and the risk of MS. The intervention studies (basically randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trials), however, offer data that are not conclusive. The current context opens up the possibility of conducting prospective and intervention-based studies in the future that will settle the nature of this association in a more convincing manner.
KeywordsMultiple sclerosisReviewVitamin DCategoriesEsclerosis múltiple
FULL TEXT(solo disponible en lengua castellana / Only available in Spanish)
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