INTRODUCTION Evoked potentials P300 and the analysis of executive functions have shown their utility in the monitoring of patients with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
PATIENTS AND METHODS Neuropsychological profiles and evoked potentials P300 have been analysed for two groups of children with an ADHD treatment with atomoxetine and methylphenidate respectively. Correlations between P300 and the selected neuropsychological parameters are studied, and the differences between basal values and 1 year follow-up are analysed. Two groups were performed: a group of 22 children ADHD in the atomoxetine condition, and a group of 24 children ADHD in the methylphenidate condition.
RESULTS The results show a global improvement of all the parameters, in terms of executive function and P300 values in both, the atomoxetine and the methylphenidate group. CONCLUSION. Executive functions and evoked potentials P300 reflect an underlying processing and they are very useful in the clinical practice. This exploratory study shows the importance of designing personalized objective variables-based treatments.
KeywordsADHDAtomoxetineEvoked potentialsExecutive functionMethylphenidateCategoriesNeuropediatríaNeuropsiquiatríaTécnicas exploratorias
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